Post Mark/Date

1(?) December 1927


Mrs Spurgeon

213 High Road




Collection of A. Taylor


Code: 12088

Posted Message

Thursday A.M.
Dear M & D.,
Just the usual to let you know I am in the pink. I am working with Mr. M. again, it is a strange thing to be with him again after about 8 years, have got a decent job, so I get my meals at the proper time now, that is one comfort. Had a good time at our smoker last night, landed home about 11.15 feeling merry. I expect I shall be at home about 9.30 on Saturday. Hoping you are all well, with love to all from your son, Thomas xxx


Caption: The Bridge, Lowestoft People wrote on the side, upside down and even in circles because they thought it prevented the Postmen from reading the cards easily.