Post Mark/Date

About 1915 based on the model of the touring car. Fenders, windshield and front engine cover on this car are much like other cars of the period. Large open top touring cars went out of fashion by 1920 as buses came more into use.



Code on front- 9376


Collection of A. Taylor

Jackson's Faces

Great Yarmouth, Gorleston, & Lowestoft

Posted Message



This is a fun card with great characters. Do you think they can cram in one more person into this car? This rather well-fed group of seventeen has four adult men in the first seat!

The sign above the car is advertising a show, movie or review. Finding this might give a clue to the exact date. On the left side there is a cut off sign "--urant", which, if my crossword skills are any help, is the end of "restaurant". A little Photoshop manipulaton tells me that the sign underneath is the end of "dining room". I suspect this photo is out of G. Yarmouth, but I'm keeping it in my Lowestoft files until I find out otherwise.

Update: Thanks to Paul Godfrey for identifying the location! He says "The Jackson's Faces photograph on your web site of the charabanc group was taken on Marine Parade, Great Yarmouth outside the Empire Cinema. The cinema was built in 1911 and I believe Jackson's Faces began trading in GY in 1921. Jackson's took loads of charabanc groups and steamer groups. As well as walking promenade photographs in Yarmouth."