Post Mark/Date

About 1880, based on the fashion of giving mourning cards.




Collection of A. Taylor

Wilkinson & Carmen

Posted Message

Remembrance of
Charles, son of
William and Alice
Born 11 July 1845
Died 14 May 1867
Also of Alice
The beloved Wife of
Charles Batt
Sister of the Above Named
Charles Wilkinson,
who died 20 Dec. 1879
Aged 31 Years


Caption: No Caption

This is a funeral or In Memorium card, given out to mourners.

This memorial is rather confusing, but I think I have it figured out. William and Alice Wilkinson had two children, Charles and Alice. Alice was married to Charles Batt and died at age 31. Charles Wilkinson died at age 22. The funeral home is Wilkinson and Carmen, so I suspect that this card is a sample of the funeral directors own family memorial to show people what can be done.