Post Mark/Date

August 17, 1911


G. Pinhole, Esq.

33 Carholm Road

Forest Hill

London S.E.


Collection of Alice Taylor, Copyright 2018

Photographer/publisher: C. Wilson, Lowestoft

Posted Message

Dear G.
You can look this area think of the lovely time you had here on Monday afternoon. I expect you were a having forty ________at the time this was taken. Look at the balcony. Shers looking very lonely. Good old Sparrows Nest,


Caption: Sparrows Nest Park

Can you imagine a more civilised day out? Everyone seems to be having a lovely time drinking tea, eating nice things and watching a bowls game. Or is it croquet? This writer seems to have been at Sparrow's Nest when the photo was taken and knew the women sitting (far left) in the balcony.