Post Mark/Date

December, 1918




H. Jenkins

Posted Message

Sergts of 19th Batt Queens R. W. Surrey Regt
Dec 1918


Caption: No Caption

By December of 1918, when these sergeants had their Christmas dinner, the Allied forces were well on their way to winning the war. The Treaty of Versailles was still 6 months in the future, but the end could be seen.

The 19th Battalion was formed in June of 1915 as the 69th Provisional Battalion of the 225th Brigade and the unit was renamed 19th Battalion, Queen's, on the first of January, 1917. It was stationed in Lowestfoft. The battalion was disbanded in April, 1919, as the war was winding down. "Provisional" means that the battalion was formed of volunteers who served the length of the war, but were not sent overseas. Provisional units served as coastal defence, logistics, etc.

In the First World War the correct spelling was "serjeant, but by 1920 the common spelling of "sergeant" was universally used.